Hilton Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka was chosen as the venue for the 52
nd Annual Session and Meetings of the International Pepper Community and International Spices Exhibitions 2024 (52
nd IPC ASM ISE) from 18 – 21 November 2024. With the theme
“Regenerative Pepper Cultivation: Going Beyond Sustainability”, the IPC annual event which resumed for the second year after the global pandemic, was a joint effort between the host country, Government of Sri Lanka especially the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, Forest Resources, Water Supply, Plantation and Community Infrastructure Sri Lanka, the Department of Export Agriculture and the International Pepper Community.
The 3-day conference which consisted of series of meetings and sessions such as Business Session, Pepper Tech Meeting and Pepper Exim Meeting was opened and officiated by the Governor of Western Province of Sri Lanka, the Honorable Mr. Hanif Yusoof along with the Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, Forest Resources, Water Supply, Plantation and Community Infrastructure Sri Lanka, Mr. Prabath Chandrakeerthi and Mr. K.S. Wijayakeerthi, Additional Secretary of Coconut and Minor Export Crops Development and Madam A.P.P Disna, the Director General of Department of Export Agriculture Sri Lanka as the co-organizer.
In her opening remarks delivered during the Opening Ceremony, Ms. Firna Azura Ekaputri Haji Marzuki, the Executive Director of the International Pepper Community, welcomed Heads of Delegations of IPC Member Countries and all of the participants of the Annual Sessions to utilize the conference in expanding their network, sourcing out resources, taking in the knowledge and experience shared by experts guest speakers as well as to reconnect with old acquaintance.
During the Opening Ceremony, the IPC gave recognition to Farmers, Exporters and Manufactures for their excellence performance in 2023 with IPC BEST AWARD 2023 which winners included the following:
IPC Best Farmers 2023
- Shri Mohammed Amanula from India
- Mr. Rudi Alwi from Indonesia
- Mr. Atong Anak Alli from Malaysia
- Mr. S.J.M. Sudubanda Samarakoon from Sri Lanka
- Mr. Tran Loc from Viet Nam
Excellence in Export of Value Added Pepper Products 2023
- Synthite Industries Pvt Ltd from India
- Natura Perisa Aroma from Indonesia
- Saraspice SDN BHD from Malaysia
- Malwatta Velly Plantation PLC from Sri Lanka
- Hanfimex Corporation from Viet Nam
Excellence in Innovative Pepper Products Manufactures 2023
- Green World Success Foodchains SDN BHD from Malaysia
- Tritech Green Energy Pvt Ltd from Sri Lanka
The 52
nd IPC ASM ISE was sponsored by the WorldWide Commodities, Scorpion, Vergers and SAPPTA and the Spices Council of Sri Lanka participated by 20 exhibitors from all over the world from the spices industry as well as several renowned guest speakers of the spices industry such as American Spices Trade Association (ASTA), Sustainable Spices Initiatives (SSI), The Spices Council Sri Lanka, SAPPTA, India Pepper Spice Trade Association, Cambodia Pepper and Spices Federation, Department of Export Agriculture and many more.
During the Plenary Session on the 20 November 2024, the Executive Director released the Global Consolidated Crop Report 2025 which was finalized following the discussion between representatives of the Government of IPC member countries and the industry. In addition, the 3-day conference was closed with field trip to the Kosgoda Turtle Conservation Centers as well as to Kosgoda Spice Garden and Exploration of Maduganga Eco System.