Indian Institute of Spices Research
Project Cordinator, Spices
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Positions held in Professional Societies
· Secretary, Indian Society for Spices, IISR,
· Vice president, Indian Society for Spices, IISR, Calicut 2002-04 and 2004-06.
· Zonal Councilor, Indian Phytopathological Society,
· Zonal Councilor, Indian Society for Plant Pathology,
Total Publications of Dr. M Anandaraj
1. Journal- Full papers 41
2.Journal- Short communications 2
3. Symposia/Seminar Full papers 55
4. Symposia/Seminar Abstracts 18
5. Chapters in Monographs/books 16
6. Books authored /edited 5
7. Popular articles 21
8. Manual 2
9. Thesis 1
10. Technical reports 10
11. Extension bulletins 8
12. Winter school/ lead lectures 3
Total 182
---------------Recent Publications
1. Bhat, A.I, Madhubala, R, Hareesh, P.S. and Anandaraj, M. 2005. Detection and Characterization of a phytoplasma associated with a phyllody disease of black pepper (Piper nigrum L. ) in . Scientia Horticulture 107: 200-204.
Kerala Agricultural University
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Deparment of Plant Pathology
College of Agriculture
Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram
Indian Institute of Spice Research
Senior Scientist
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Kozhikode, Calicut 673 012
Drought tolerance in spices; Production of spice crops; herbicide physiology,
Sri Lankan
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Senior Lecturer
Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Agribusiness, Marketing, Gender aspects and trade
Publications: Area: Trade and Women in Spices
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Principal Scientist
PO Marikunnu,Kozhikode-673012.
My dream project include to trace out the path of the transnational spread of black pepper with the help of molecular biology tools .
EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Kozhikode, Calicut 673 012
Bhat, A.I., Bhadramurthy, V., Siju, S. and Hareesh, P.S. 2006. Detection and identification of Cymbidium mosaic virus infecting vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in based on coat protein gene sequence relationships. J. Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 15: 33-37.
Bhat, A.I., Madhubala, R., Hareesh, P.S. and Anandaraj, M. 2006. Detection and characterization of the phytoplasma associated with a phyllody disease of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in . Scientia Horticulturae 107: 200-204.
Hareesh, P. S. , Madhubala, R and Bhat, A.I. 2006. Characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus Infecting Indian long pepper (Piper longum L.) and Betel vine (Piper betle L.) in . Indian J Biotech, 5: 89-93.
Bhadramurthy, V., Retheesh, S.T., Bhat, A.I., Madhubala, R., Hareesh, P.S. and Pant, R.P. 2005. Development of ELISA based technique for the detection of a putative badnavirus infecting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Indian Phytopath. 58: 314-318.
Bhat, A.I., Devasahayam, S., Hareesh, P.S. , Preethi, N. and Thomas, T. 2005. Planococcus citri (Risso)-an additional mealybug vector of Badnavirus infecting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in India. Entomon 30: 85-90.
Bhat, A.I., Devasahayam, S., Venugopal, M.N. and Suseela Bhai, R. 2005. Distribution and incidence of viral diseases of black pepper in Karnataka and
Madhubala, R., Bhadramurthy, V., Bhat, A.I., Hareesh, P.S., Retheesh, S.T. and Bhai, R.S. 2005. Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus on Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in . J Biosci. 30: 339-350.
Bhat, A.I. , Hareesh, P.S. and Madhubala, R. 2005. Sequencing of coat protein gene of an isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in . J.Plant Biochem. & Biotech, 14: 37-40.
Devi, S. PH, Bhat, A.I., Devi, L.R., and Das, M.L. 2004. Occurrence, transmission and genotype response of a filamentous virus associated with leaf mustard (Brassica juncea var. rugosa) in Manipur. Indian Phytopath. 57: 488-493
Jain, R.K., Khurana, S.M.P., Bhat, A.I. and Chaudhary, V. 2004. Nucleocapsid protein gene sequence studies confirm that potato stem necrosis disease is caused by a strain of Groundnut bud necrosis virus. Indian Phytopath. 57: 169-173.
Bhat, A.I., Venugopal, M.N., R.P.Pant and Bhai, R.S. 2004. Occurrence and distribution of viral diseases on vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in . J. Spices & Aromatic Crops, 13: 143-148.
Bhat, A.I., Sarma, Y.R., P. Sreenivasulu and Pant, R.P. 2004. Occurrence and identification of a Cucumber mosaic virus isolate infecting Indian long pepper (Piper longum). J Medicinal & Aromatic Plant Sci. 26: 279-284.
Bhat, A.I., Faisal, T.H., Madhubala, R., Hareesh, P.S. and Pant, R.P. 2004. Purification, production of antiserum and development of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay-based diagnosis for Cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper. J. Spices & Aromatic Crops, 13: 16-21.
Bhat, A.I., Devasahayam, S., Sarma, Y.R. and Pant, R.P. 2003. Association of a badnavirus in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) transmitted by mealy bug (Ferrsia virgata) in . Curr Sci. 84: 1547-1550.
Rakshit, S., Mishra, S.K., Bhat, A.I. and Sharma, B. 2003. Increase in cellular content of chitinase as response to powdery mildew infection in pea: Detection through enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Ann Agric Res., 24: 129-132.
Umamaheswaran, K., Jain, R.K. Bhat, A.I and Ahlawat, Y.S. 2003. Biological and molecular characterization of a Tospovirus isolate from tomato and its relationship with other tospoviruses. Indian Phytopath, 56: 168-173.
Sobita-Devi, Ph., Bhat, A.I., Ranjana-Devi, L. and Das, M.L. 2003. Mosaic disease of broad leaf mustard from North East India. Indian Phytopath, 56: 236.
Thien, Ho. Xuan, Bhat, A.I. and Jain, R.K. 2003. Mungbean necrosis disease caused by a strain of Groundnut bud necrosis virus. Indian Phytopath. 56:54-60.
Lal, S.K., Bhat, A.I., Rana, V.K.S., Sapra, R.L. and Anilkumar, 2002. Identification of resistant sources against budblight disease of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Indian J. Genet., 62: 357-358.
Jain, R.K., Umamaheswarna, K., Bhat, A.I., Thien, H.X and Ahlawat, Y.S. 2002. Necrosis disease on cowpea, mungbean and tomato is caused by Groundnut bud necrosis virus. Indian Phytopath., 55: 354.
Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K. Chaudhary, V., Krishnareddy, M., Ramiah, M, Chattannavar, S.N. and Varma, A. 2002. Sequence conservation in the coat protein gene of Tobacco streak virus isolates causing necrosis disease in cotton, mungbean, sunflower and sun-hemp in . Indian J. Biotechnology, 1:350-356.
Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K. and Ramiah, M. 2002. Detection of Tobacco streak virus from sunflower and other crops by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Indian Phytopath, 55: 216-218.
Makeshkumar, T., Varma, A., Singh, K.K., Malathi, V.G., Gupta, M. and Bhat, A.I. 2002. Coat protein gene mediated resistance to Potato virus Y in transgenic tobacco. Indian Phytopath., 55: 187-194.
Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K., Varma, A and Lal, S.K. 2002. Nucleocapsid protein gene sequence studies suggest that soybean bud blight is caused by a strain of Groundnut bud necrosis virus. Curr. Sci. 81: 1389-1392.
Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K., Anil Kumar, M Ramiah and Varma, A. 2002. Serological and coat protein sequence studies suggest that necrosis disease on sunflower in is caused by a strain of Tobacco streak virus. Archives of Virology, 147: 651-658.
Bhat, A.I., Anil Kumar, Jain, R.K.,
Ramiah, M., Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K., Pant, R.P., Ahlawat, Y.S., Prabhakar, K. and Varma, A. 2001. Partial characterization of an isometric virus causing sunflower necrosis disease. Indian Phytopath 54: 246-250.
Ramiah, M., Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K., Pant, R.P., Ahlawat, Y.S., Prabhakar, K. and Varma, A. 2001. Isolation of an isometric virus causing sunflower necrosis disease in . Plant Disease, 85:443.
Bhat, A.I., Jain, R.K., Varma, A., Chandra, N. and Lal, S.K. 2001. Tospoviruses infecting grain legumes in
Synthite Industrial Chemicals Ltd.
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Crop Production and Post Harvest Technology
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Research publications
Madhavan,K; George,SA; Chempakam,B & George V Thomas .1993. Production of ball copra by heat trearment. In: Advances in Coconut Research and Development.Eds. MK Nair et al
ii) Other Publications/ presentations in conferences/Seminars
iii) Technical Reports
iv) Book chapters/ Review:
In: Advances in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of coconut palm (Eds. V Rajagopal and A Ramdas) 1999 Publishers APCC Srilanka
1. Germination and early seedling growth (S Shivashankar and B Chempakam) Pp 1-14
2. Nut components and their composition (B. Chempakam) Pp 47-55
3. Biochemical response to water stress (S Shivashankar and B Chempakam) pp 73-79
Medicinal Value of Indian Spices. Amit Krishna De. Journal of Spices and Aromatic plants &(2): 157-158.1998.
Embrapa Amazonia Oriental
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro, s/nº (Marco)
66.095-100, Belém-PA
Sri Lankan
Export Agriculture Research Station
Research Officer
Plant Pathology Division
Use of Biotechnology in disease control of the Export Agricultural Crops in
Other related work:
Senior Researcher and Research Professor on Entomologist and Plant Diseases
University of Agricultrual Sciences, Dharwad
Associate Professor of Plant Pathology
I have publish 20 scientific articles in different scientific journals
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
1. Kandiannan K, Sivaraman K, Thankamani CK, Dake GN, Anandaraj M and Krishnamurthy KS 2000 Effect of Azospirillum on growth of black pepper. Recent Advances in
2. Thankamani CK and Ashokan PK 2000 Optimum percentage of allowable depletion of soil moisture in bush pepper. Challenges and opportunities in the new century. Centennial Conference on Spices and Aromatic Plants (Ed.Ramana KV, Santhosh JE, Babu N and Kumar A). Sept 20-23, Calicut 97-100.
3. Kandiannan K, Thankamani CK, Sivaraman K, Anandaraj M and
4. Thankamani CK, Sivaraman K and Kandiannan K 1996. Response of clove (Syzygium aromaticum L Merr & Perry) seedlings and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) cuttings to propagating media under nursery conditions. J.Sp & Ar. Crops 5(20): 99-104.
Rao VS, Thankamani CK and Rao JV 1992 Agri. Horti System Research. Indian J Dryland Agric. Res & Dev 7(1): 26-31
5. Thankamani CK and Ashokan PK 2002 Influence of drip irrigation on yield and moisture extraction pattern of bush pepper grown in Coconut garden In: Manivannan S, Sikka AK, Korikanthimath VS, Ahok Kumar J, Priyadevi S and Manjunath BC (Eds) National Symposium on Soil and water conservation measures and sustainable and use systems with special reference to western ghat region, Old Goa: 157-160.
6. Thankmani CK, Ashoka PK,
7. Thankmani CK and Ahokan PK 2003 clorophyll and leaf epicuticular wax content of black pepper (Piper nigrum L) varities in response water stress Journal of medicinal and aromatic plant sciences 24: 943-946
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist
Marikunnu PO
Senior Researcher
Setor de Informação - Biblioteca
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro, s/nº (Marco)
PO Box 2067
Department of Agriculture, Sarawak
Senior Research Officer
Agriculture Research Centre PO Box 977, Semongok
Scientific / Technical Publications on Pepper
Sri Lankan
Board of Investment
Senior Deputy Director (Research)
West Tower, level 19, World Trade Centre
Agriculture Research Centre
PO Box 977, Semongok
1. Sim S.L., Rosmah J., Paulus A.D., Marziah M., and C.S. Tauran. In proceedings International Symposium and Workshop Conservatioin Biology: Molecular, Biotechnologies and Conventional Approaches November, 19-23, Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia
2. Sim S.L. and Rosmah Jafar. Preliminary result on the development of a gens transfer system for pepper (Piper nigrum L.). In: Technical Proceedings 32nd Annual Research Officers' Conference, Department of Agriculture, Sarawak, Malaysia.
3. Sim, S.L., Rosmah Jafar, D. Grierson, J.B. Power and M.R. Davey (1995). The application of molecular biology and genetic manipulation to pepper (Piper nigrum L) breeding: Present state and prospects. In Proceedings FAO-IAEA International Symposium on the Use of Mutation and Molecular Techniques for Crop Improvement, Vienna, Austria, 1995.
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist (Agronomy)
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Kozhikode, Calicut 673 012
Indian Institute of Spices Research
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Kozhikode, Calicut 673 012
Agriculture Research Centre
Sr. Researcher
PO Box 977, Kuching
1. Eng, L., Jones P., Lockhart, B., and Martin R.R. Preliminary studies on the virus diseases of black pepper in Sarawak. In "The Pepper Industry - Problems & Prospect" Eds. M.Y. Ibrahim, C.
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Indonesian Spice & Mediciinal Crops Research Institute
Sr. Scientist
62-251 321879, 316889, HP: 62-816 1153189
Jln. Tentara Pelajar No.3
Department of Agriculture
Research Officer
Agriculture Research Centre
PO Box 977, Semongok
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Senior Scientist
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO Kozhikode, Calicut 673 012
Research conducted so far in black pepper:
Senior Scientist
Indian Institute of Spices Research
91-495 2731410 (Off), 495-2355038 (Res)
PB No. 1701, Marikunnu PO
Genetic resources, crop improvement and Biotechnological approaches for crop improvement
Scientific / Technical Publications:
1. Edison S, Johny A K, Nirmal Babu K. and Ramadasan A (1991) Spices Varieties. A Compendium of morphological and agronomic characters of improved varieties of spices in India. National Research Centre for Spices (ICAR), Kerala, 63 p.
2. Nirmal Babu K, Fondoum J M, Peter K V, Radhakrishnan V V, Ravindran P N, Sadanandan A K, Swai R E A (1995) Descriptors for Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, 39 p.
3. Nirmal Babu K, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1997) Protocols for Micropropagation of Spices and Aromatic Crops. Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala. 35 p.
4. Edison S, Ramana K V, Sasikumar B, Nirmal Babu K and Santhosh J Eapen (1997). Biotechnology in Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Indian Society for Spices, Calicut, Kerala, 173 p.
5. Ramana KV, Santhosh J Eapen, Nirmal Babu K, Krishnamurthy KS and Kumar A (2000) Spices And Aromatic Plants – Challenges and Oppurnities in the New Century, Indian Society for Spices, Calicut, Kerala, India. 309 p.
6. Nirmal Babu K, Saji KV, Krishnamoorthy B and Sarma YR ( 2001) Varieties of Spices – Developed at IISR, pp 33, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala, India.
7. Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K, Shiva KN and Johny AK (eds) (2006) Advances in Spices Research, Agrobios, Jodhpur. pp.994..
1. Ravindran P N and Nirmal Babu K (1994) Genetic resources of black pepper. In. K L Chadha and P Rethinam (eds.) Advances in Horticulture, Vol.9. Plantation Crops and Spices. Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi, p. 99-120.
2. Nirmal Babu K, Geetha S P, Manjula C, Sajina A., Minoo, D, Samsudeen K, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1996) Biotechnology-lts role in conservation of genetic resources of spices. In. M R Das and Sathish Mundayoor (eds.). Biotechnology for Development. State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, Kerala p. 198-212.
3. Nirmal Babu K, Geetha S P, Minoo D, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1999) In vitro conservation of germplasm. pp :106-129, In. In S P Ghosh (ed) Biotechnology and its application in Horticulture. Narosa Publishing House , New Delhi.
4. Ravindran P N, Nirmal Babu K, Sasikumar B and Krishnamoorthy K S (2000) Botany and crop improvement of black pepper, pp. 23-142, In. P N Ravindran (ed.). Black pepper, Piper nigrum. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5. Nirmal Babu K, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (2000) Biotechnology of spices. pp. 487-527. In K L Chadha, P N Ravindran and Leela Sahijram (eds) Biotechnology of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Nirmal Babu K, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (2001) Spices, pp. 315 – 337; In. VA Parthasarathy, TK Bose and P Das (eds.) Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops Vol –3, Naya Prokash , Calcutta.
7. Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K, Peter KV, Abraham CZ and Tyagi RK (2001) Genetic Resources of Spices – The Indian Scenario In Dhillon et all (Eds) Crop Genetic Resources: An Indian Perspective, Indian Society for Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
8. Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K and Shiva KN (2006) Genetic Resources of Spices and their conservation. pp- 63-91. In PN Ravindran, K Nirmal Babu, KN Shiva and AK Johny (eds) Advances in Spices Research, Agrobios, Jodhpur.
9. Nirmal Babu K, Minoo D, Geetha SP and Jayakumar VN (2006) Progress of Spices Biotechnology in India. pp- 169- 194. In PN Ravindran, K Nirmal Babu, KN Shiva and AK Johny (eds), Agrobios, Jodhpur.
10. Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K and Shiva KN (2006) Black pepper. pp- 215-291. In PN Ravindran, K Nirmal Babu, KN Shiva and AK Johny (eds) Advances in Spices Research, Agrobios,Jodhpur.
11. Nirmal Babu K, Geetha SP, Minoo D, Yamuna G, Praveen K, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (2006) Conservation of Spices Genetic Resources through In Vitro Conservation and Cryo- Preservation. In KV Peter and Z Abraham (ed). Biodiversity – Horticultural Crops, Daya publishing house, New Delhi.(In press).
12. Parthasarathy VA and Nirmal Babu K (2006) Molecular Breeding in Spice crops, In G. Kaloo and B M Prasanna (eds) Molecular Plant Breeding. Indian Society of Vegetable Science, Varanasi, India.
13. Nirmal Babu K, Saji KV, Geetha SP, Benny Daniel and Minoo D (2005) Black pepper ( Piper nigrum L) In Jitendra Singh et al (eds.). Spices, Plantation crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner.( in press)
1. Ravindran P N and Nirmal Babu K (1988) Black pepper cultivars suitable for various regions. Indian Cocoa, Arecanut & Spices J. 11 (4): 110-112.
2. Gopalam A, Zachariah T J, Nirmal Babu K and Ramadasan A (1990) Effect of different methods of white pepper preparation on the chemical and aroma quality in selected cultivars of Piper nigrum L. Indian Perfumer, 34 (2): 152-156.
3. Ratnambal M J, Ravindran P N, Nair M K and Nirmal Babu K. (1990) Two high yielding selections of Karimunda. Spice India 3 (11): 9-11.
4. Ravindran P N, Asokan Nair T, Nirmal Babu K, Chandran K and Nair M K (1990) Ecological and morphological notes on Piper spp. from the Silent Valley forests, Kerala. J. Bombay Natural Hist. Society, 87 (3): 412-426.
5. Gopalam A, Zachariah T J, Nirmal Babu K., Sadanandan A K and Ramadasan A (1991) Chemical quality of black and white pepper. Spice India, 4(4): 8-10.
6. Nirmal Babu K, Nair RR, Johnson George K and Ravindran P N (1992) Piper barberi Gamble - A redescription of the species with a note on its karyotype. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 1(1): 88-93.
7. Nirmal Babu K and Ravindran P N (1992) Improved varieties of black pepper. In (Y.R.Sarma et al eds.) Black pepper and Cardamom-Problems and prospects. Indian Society for Spices. Calicut, Kerala, India P. 61-64.
8. Ravindran P N, Balakrishnan R and Nirmal Babu K (1992) Numerical taxonomy of South Indian Piper L. (Piperaceae) 1. Cluster Analysis. Rheedea 2 (1): 55-61.
9. Ravindran P N, Nair M K and Nirmal Babu K (1992) Panchami-A high yielding selection of black pepper. Spice India 5 (6): 11-13.
10. Nirmal Babu K, Rema J, Geetha SP, Minoo D, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1992) Micropropagation of betel vine (Piper betle L.). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 1(2): 160-162.
11. Ravindran P N, Ramana K V, Nair M K, Nirmal Babu K. and Mohandas C (1992) Pournami-a high yielding black pepper selection tolerant to root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops, 1 (2): 136-141.
12. Ravindran P N, Sasikumar B and Nirmal Babu K (1992) Genetics of shoot tip colour in black pepper. J. Plantation Crops, 2(1): 76-78.
13. Nirmal Babu K, Naik G and Ravindran PN (1993) Two new taxa of Piper(Piperaceae) from Kerala, with a note on their origin and interrelationships. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops,2 (1&2): 26-33.
14. Nirmal Babu K, Rema J, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1993) Biotechnology in Spices. Indian Horticulture, 38(3): 46-50.
15. Ravindran P N and Nirmal Babu K 1994) Chemotaxonomy of South Indian Piper. J. Spices and Aromatic crops, 3(1): 6-13.
16. Nirmal Babu K, Rema J, Sree Ranjine Devi Pillai, Samsudeen K and Ravindran P N (1996) Micropropagation of an endangered species of Piper, P. barberi Gamble and its conservation J. Plant Genetic Resources. 9 (1) : 179-182.
17. Ravindran P N and Nirmal Babu K (1996) Numerical taxonomy of South Indian Piper L. II Principal component analysis of the major taxa. Rheedea. 6 (2) : 75-86.
18. Ravindran P N, Balakrishnan R. and Nirmal Babu K (1997) Morphometrical studies on black pepper 1. Cluster analysis of black pepper cultivars. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops. 6 (1) : 9-20.
19. Ravindran P N, Balakrishnan R and Nirmal Babu K (1997) Morphometrical studies on black pepper II. Principal component analysis of black pepper cultivars. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops. 6 (1) : 21-29.
20. Ravindran P N and Nirmal Babu K (1997) Cultivating black pepper in homestead gardens. Indian Horticulture 41(4) : 28-29.
21. Sajina A, Minoo D, Geetha S P, Samsudeen K, Rema J, Nirmal Babu K and Ravindran PN (1997) Production of synthetic seeds in few spice crops. In. Edison S, Ramana K V, Sasikumar B, Nirmal Babu K and Santhosh J. Eapen (eds.) Biotechnology of Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Indian Society for Spices, Calicut, India, p. 65-69.
22. Nirmal Babu K, Minoo D, Geetha S P, Samsudeen K, Rema J, Ravindran P N and Peter K.V (1998) Plant biotechnology - it’s role in improvement of spices. Indian J. Agril. Sciences 68 (8 Special Issue.): 533-547.
23. Saji K V, Johnson K George, Sasikumar B, Nirmal Babu K and Ravindran P N (1999) Genetic resources and conservation of Black pepper. pp : 54 – 61, In Sasikumar B, Krishnamoorthy B, Rema J, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (eds.), Biodiversity, Conservation and Utilization of Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut.
24. Nirmal Babu K., Geetha S P, Minoo D, Rajalakshmi K, Girija P, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (1999) In vitro approaches for conservation and exchange of spices germplasm. pp : 45-53 In Sasikumar B, Krishnamoorthy B, Rema J, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (eds.), Biodiversity, Conservation and Utilization of Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut.
25. Delphine Sicard, Erik Legg, Sarah Brown, Nirmal Babu K, Oswaldo Ochoa and Richard. W. Michelmore. 2003. A Genetic map of the lettuce downy mildew fungus, Bremia lactucae, constructed from molecular markers and avirulence genes. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 39 :16-30.
26. Sasikumar B, Haridas P, Johnson K G, Saji KV, John TZ, Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K, Krishnamoorthy B, Mathew PA and Parthasarathy VA. 2004. ‘IISR Thevam’, ‘IISR Malabar Excel’ and ‘IISR Girimunda’ – three new black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) clones. J. Spices and Aromatic Crops. 13 (1) : 1-5.
Tyagi RK, Abraham Z, Latha M, Velayudhan KC, Ravindran PN,
27. Nirmal Babu K, George JK, Anuradha A and Dhilon BS (2004) Conservation of Spices Germplasm in India. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 17(3): 163-174..
28. Nirmal Babu K, Minoo D, Geetha SP, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (2005) Advances in Biotechnology of Spices and Herbs. Ind. J.Bot.Res. 1(2): 155-214. .
29. Parthasarathy VA and Nirmal Babu K (2006) Advances in Molecular Breeding of Plantation crops and Spices, In Madhura Rai, Major Singh, Sanjeet Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Nagendra Rai (eds) Souvenir: National Symposium on Molecular Breeding in Crop Plants, Indian Society of Vegetable Science, Varanasi, India.p: 49-75 .
30. Nirmal Babu K, Rema J, Geetha S P, Sajina A, Samsudeen K and Ravindran P N (2002) Micropropagation of two species of long pepper Piper longum L. and P. chaba Hunt. Communicated to Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter.
1. Nirmal Babu K, Rema J, Ravindran P N and Peter K V (1993) Micropropagation of black pepper and related species-its potential in crop improvement. In Golden Jubilee symposium, Horticultural Research-changing scenario (Bangalore), Horticultural Society of India. New Delhi, Abstract p. 440.
2. Geetha S P, Minoo D, Samsudeen K, Rema J, Nirmal Babu K and Peter K V (1996) In vitro storage: Prospects for conservation of germplasm of spices, National Symposium on Horticultural Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, Abstract p. 2.
3. Ravindran P N, Krishnamoorthy B, Sasikumar B, Johnson K George, Nirmal Babu K., Rema J, Nair R R, Mathew PA, Mulge R, Dhamayanthi A, Zacharia TJ and Peter K V (1996) Genetic Resources of spices in India, their utilization and conservation. 2nd International Crop Science Congress, New Delhi.
4. Nirmal Babu K, Geetha SP, Minoo D, Ravindran PN and Peter KV (2000) In vitro propagation and conservation of medicinal spices – Progress at IISR. In Abst. Seminar on Biotechnological interventions in Medicinal Plants of Kerala, 7th Nov.2000; Kerala Agricultural University, Trivandrum, Kerala –695 522.
5. Nirmal Babu K ( 2002) Conservation of genetic resources and Crop improvement in black pepper. Paper presented at workshop on Radiation - Induced Mutations for Black Pepper Improvement, Black Pepper Breeding And Biotechnology, Depart ment of Export Agriculture, Matale, Sri Lanka. 9-12 2002.
6. Nirmal Babu K ( 2002) Studies on black pepper cultivars, species and their inter-relationships using chemo taxonomic, morphometric, numerical and principal component analysis. Paper presented at workshop on Radiation - Induced Mutations for Black Pepper Improvement, Black Pepper Breeding And Biotechnology, Depart ment of Export Agriculture, Matale, Sri Lanka. 9-12 2002.
7. Nirmal Babu K ( 2002) Micro propagation of black pepper. Paper presented at workshop on Radiation - Induced Mutations for Black Pepper Improvement, Black Pepper Breeding And Biotechnology, Depart ment of Export Agriculture, Matale, Sri Lanka. 9-12 2002.
8. Nirmal Babu K ( 2002) Biotechnological tools for improvement of black pepper. Paper presented at workshop on Radiation - Induced Mutations for Black Pepper Improvement, Black Pepper Breeding And Biotechnology, Depart ment of Export Agriculture, Matale, Sri Lanka. 9-12 2002.
9. Nirmal Babu K ( 2002) Biotechnology of spices. Paper presented at workshop on Radiation - Induced Mutations for Black Pepper Improvement, Black Pepper Breeding and Biotechnology, Depart ment of Export Agriculture, Matale, Sri Lanka. 9-12 2002
10. Ravindran PN, Johny AK and Nirmal Babu K. (2002) Spices in our daily life, 56 All India Ayurvedic Congress , Satabdi Smaranika Vol 2, Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Kerala, India. pp.227-242.
11. Peter K V, Minoo D and Nirmal Babu K (2005) Spices Biotechnology – Progress and Prospects. In proceedings of National Seminar on Genes and Genomics, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. (P.1-6).
12. Peter K V and Nirmal Babu K (2005) Genetic resources of Spices. Special issue on International Symposium on Plant Introduction – Achievements and Opportunities in South Asia, Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour.18 (1): 19-20.
13. Saji KV, Sasikumar B, Johnson KG, Nirmal Babu K, Krishnamoorthy B and Santhosh JE.(2003) Development of black pepper germplasm database and utilization. National Seminar on Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Data Management, Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, 15-17th May, 2003. (Abst.). p.9.
14. Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu K, Tushar KV and Minoo D (2003) A digitized inventory of Spice plant resources. In DBT Workshop on Agricultural Bioinformatics, 29-30 Oct 2003, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut.. P.80 – 82. p.9.
15. Parthasarathy VA and Nirmal Babu K (2005) Recent Trends in Micropropagation and In vitro technology Southern Regional Symposium on Modern trends and Recent Applications in Biotechnology, (ZEIOSIS ’05) 21st Oct, 2005, MET’S School of Engeneering, Mala, Kerala.p.9.
16. Peter K V and Nirmal Babu K (2006) Advances in Spices Breeding, Key note address, Second National Plant Breeding Congress – Plant Breeding in Post Genomics Era, 1-3 March, Indian Society for Plant Breeders, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. p.9. p>
1. K V Saji, Arun A, Johnson K G, Sasikumar B, Nirmal Babu K and Eapen SJ (2001) Spice Genes Part 1- Black pepper germplasm, 1876 pages.
2. Nirmal Babu K and Ravindran PN (2004) A digitized inventory of plant resources – Part II : Other economically important species- Spices and Condiments.
1. Hareesh PS 2000 Studies on RAPD Polymorphism in Varieties and Related Species of Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum L.) M.Sc (Biotechnology) dissertation, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India.
2. Sinoj J 2002 Molecular charecterisation of Black pepper and related species using RAPD polymorphism, M.Sc Thesis, Bharathidasan University, Tamilnadu
3. Karthikprabhu T 2002 Studies on genetic fidelity of micropropagatedplants of Black pepper using RAPD polymorphism, M.Sc Thesis, Bharathidasan University, Tamilnadu
4. Reema K K 2002 Molecular characterization of Phytophthora tolerant and susceptible lines of black pepper, Piper nigrum L., M. Sc dissertation, Kannur University, Kerala.
5. Kripa J K 2002 Studies on inter relation ships among black pepper and related species as expressed by RAPD polymorphism, M.Sc Thesis, Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh.
6. Sunaina R. 2003. Studies on inheritance of Phytophthora resistance in hybrid progenies of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Panniyur 1 and Subhkara. University of Calicut, Kerala.
7. Ishwarya K. 2003. Studies on inheritance of Phytophthora resistance in selfed progenies of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Panniyur-1, Subhkara and P-24. University of Calicut, Kerala.
8. Saji KV Taxonomic and Genetic Characterization of Black pepper and related Species, Ph. D Thesis, University of Calicut.
9. Yamuna G Studies on cryopreservation of spices genetic resources. Ph. D Thesis, University of Calicut
§ Ravindran P N, Nirmal Babu K , KV Saji, Geetha S Pillai, K Praveen and G Yamuna (2004) Conservation of Spices genetic resources in in vitro gene banks. ICAR Project report. Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala, India, .pp. 81.
§ Nirmal Babu K, Ravindran PN, Sasikumar B. (2003). Field evaluation of tissue cultured plants of spices and assessment of their genetic stability using molecular markers. Final Report, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. pp. 94.
§ Nirmal Babu K. (2003). Molecular characterization and preparation of molecular maps in black pepper. Final report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project, ICAR, New Delhi. pp. 50.
Training Manuals.
* Nirmal Babu K, RR Nair, B Krishnamoorthy. 2003. Black pepper Biotechnology – A Manual. An International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA), Vienna ,Sponcered training programme on Black pepper Biotechnology, June-August, 2003.
* Eapen SJ, Nirmal Babu K and Bhat AI (ed) (2003). Agricultural Bioinformatics, Papers presented in the DBT workshop on Agricultural Bioinformatics,