


The main objectives of the IPC are to co-ordinate, harmonise and promote the activities of the pepper industry aiming at advancement and protection of the interest of the pepper industry in the producing countries as well as their stakeholders in all parts of the world through collaboration, encouragement of good practices, dissemination of unbiased information and provision of common forum for exchange of information and discussion for mutual benefit of the producers and consumers

The IPC is regularly conducting its Annual session and other meetings in the member countries, which has developed into the most important annual meeting of all stakeholders involved in the sector.

These Meetings address themselves to issues relating to techno-economic studies, farming, production and export promotion.

The different meetings are:

1. Executive Meeting of Heads of Delegations

2. The Peppertech Meeting, The purpose of the meeting is to study, identify and evolve solutions for problems faced by the pepper industry in the areas of production, processing, marketing and product development. The Peppertech Meeting also discusses country papers from member countries highlighting the various technologies and practices implemented by the respective member countries in respect of the theme addressed.

3. The Meeting of Pepper Exporters is held regularly before Session to discuss the pepper economy, current production situation, domestic consumption, exports, imports, prices, prospects, problems and other matters related to the pepper trade.

4. The Pepperexim Meeting a meeting among producers and exporters with importers, traders and grinders of pepper. The meeting discusses various aspects of pepper such as supply and demand situation in each producing and importing country, quality improvements & quality control, possible use of technology in improving pepper quality and exchange of information.

5. Meeting of IPC Committee on Quality is to discuss issues related to quality improvement so as to enable the Committee to provide recommendation and information to the Session of IPC on matters such as standards of quality, methods of testing and other matters related to the quality of pepper and pepper products to the governing body of the IPC. It shall help to promote uniform quality standards, coordinate programs to improve pepper quality in member countries and interact with other UN agencies, international organizations and spice trade associations on matters related to the quality of pepper.

6. Plenary Session