01. Sasikumar al. 1999. Characterization of two inter specific hybrids of Piper J. Hort. Sci. and Biotech 74(1) : 195 – 131.
02. Sasikumar 1999. Spices diversity and conservation of plants that yield major spices in . Plant Genetic Resources News letter 1999, 118: 19-26.
01. Peter, K.V. 1998. Spices Research. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 68(8): 527-532.
02. Nirmal Babu, K, D. Minoo, S.P. Geetha, K. Samsudeen, J. Rema, P.N. Ravindran and K.V. Peter 1998. Plant Biotechnology- its role in improvement of spices. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 68(8): 533-547.
03. Sivaraman, K., Kandiannan , K., Peter, K.V. and Thankamani, C.K., 1999 Agronomy of black pepper (P, nigrum L.) a review . j. Spices and Aromatic Crops 8(1) :1-18.
04. Peter, K.V., Srinivasan, V. and Hamza, S. 2000. Nutrient management in spices. Fertilizer News. 45 (7): 13-1, 21-25, 27-28.
01. Ravindran, P.N. and K.V. Peter 1995. Biodiversity of Major Spices and their conservation in . (In.) Arora, R.K and V.R. Rao (ed). South Asia National Co-ordinators Meeting on Plant Genetic Resources. Proc. IPGRI, IPGRI Office for
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02. Ravindran, P.N., Peter, K.V. et. al. 1995. Biotechnological approaches in Spice Crops - Present Scenario and future prospects (In.) Proc. International Symposium on Strategies for exploiting Biotechnology Potentials. Organized by Centre for Plant Molecular Biology,
Hyderabad (Abstract) 56p.
03. Sasikumar, B., P.N. Ravindran and K.V. Peter. 1996. Black pepper breeding in Kerala. Proc. Seminar on Crop Breeding in Kerala 54-59.
04. Geetha, S.P. et. al. 1996. In vitro storage: Prospects for conservation of germplasm of spices (In) Souvenir, National Symposium on Horticultural Biotechnology, HSI and IIHR, Oct. 28-30, 1996.
05. Peter, K.V., P.N. Ravindran., B. Sasi kumar and J Zachariah 1997. Breeding programme for improvement of Quality in black pepper and product development in proceeding of Pepper Tech Meeting, I PC, Indonesia at Cochin, 7 Ocober, 1997; International Pepper News Bulletin XXII (1): 19-27.
06. Ravindran, P.N., J. Rema., K. Nirmal Babu. and K.V. Peter 1997. Tissue culture and in vitro conservation of spices- an overview (In) Biotechnology of spices, medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Proc. National Seminar on Bio technology of spices and Aromatic Plants p. 1-12. Indian Society for Spices,
Calicut .
07. Peter, K.V., Ravindran, P.N., Nirmal Babu, K. and J. Rema 1997. Biotechnological innovations in Development of Spices. (In) Proc. National conference on impact of biotechnology and modern Horticulture on rural development Abstract No. 18, Dept. Of Life Science and Biotechnology,
Calcutta .
08. Peter, K.V., P.N. Ravindran.,1998.Genetics and Breeding of black pepper Crop productivity and sustainability-shaping the future.Proc. 2nd International Crop Sci. Cong. NAAS,
New Delhi p 667-675
09. Nirmal Babu, K., Geetha, S.P., Minoo, D., Rajalakshmi, K., Girija, P., Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V. 1998. In vitro approaches for conservation and exchange of spices germplasm. Proc. Natl Symp. Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- Biodiversity, Conservation and Utilisation 10-12 Aug.1998
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10. Peter, K.V., Nazeem, P.A., Ravindran and Nirmal Babu, K. 2001. Application of Biotechnology for the improvement of spices. (In) National Seminar on “Biotechnology- challenges and prospects”. St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, 4-6 Jan.2002.
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02. Nirmal Babu et al. 1996. Biotechnology and its role in conservation of genetic resources of spices, Ibid, 198-213.
03. Peter, K.V. 1996. Major Spices (In) Paroda, R.S., and K.L.Chadha(ed). 50 years of Crop Science Research in . ICAR,
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04. Peter, K.V. 1996. Advancement in production technology of spices (IN) Kaul, G.L and N.K. Dadlani (ed) Strategies for Horticulture Development in . Dept. Of Agric. and Co-op. Ministry of Agric. Govt.Of . P. 51-63.
05. Peter, K.V. 1998. Status and Development of spices (In) Bose T.K. et al (ed) Tropical Horticulture Vol. I. Naya Prakash,
Calcutta 641-645.
06. Peter, K.V. and K. Kandianan.1998. Black pepper, Cardamom, Ginger, Turmeric,Large Cardamom, Allspices, Vanilla, Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg,(In) Bose T.K. et al (ed) Tropical Horticulture Vol.I Nayaprokash,
Calcutta 646-730.
07. Nirmal Babu, K. Geetha, S.P., Minoo, D., Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V., 1998 In vitro conservation of germplasm (In) Ghosh, S.P. (ed) . Biotechnology and its application in Horticulture , Narosa,
New Delhi 106-130
08. Nirmal Babu, K., Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V. 1998 Advances in Spices Biotechnology. (In) K.L. Chada and P. N. Ravindran et al (eds) Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops , Malhotra Publishing Houses,
New Delhi (in spices)
09. Nirmal Babu, K., Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V. 1998. (In) T.K. Boses et al (eds) Biotechnology of Horticultural crops (in spices)
10. Peter K V., Ravindran P N, Nirmal Babu, Anadaraj M and R N Pal 1999. Spices Crops (in) Ghosh, S P (ed) Biotechnology and its application in Horticultures, Narosa,
New Delhi , 106-130.
11. Peter, K.V. 1999. Futurology of Black pepper (In) Ravindran, P.N. (Ed.) Black Pepper (Piper nigrum). Harwood academic publishers , , 481-489.
12. Nirmal Babu, N. , Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V. 2000. Biotechnology of Spices (In) Chadha, K.L., P.N. Ravindran and Leela Sahigram (Ed.). Biotechnology in Horticultural and
Plantation crops. MPW,
New Delhi 487 - 582.
01. Anandaraj, M. and Peter, K.V. 1997 Biological control on spices(ed) Indian
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02. Nirmal Babu,K, Ravindran P.N and Peter, K.V. 1998. Protocols for Micropropagation of Spices and Aromatic Crops.(ed) Indian Institute of Spices Research,
Calicut .
03. Peter, K.V. 2001. Handbook on Herbs and Spices. Wood Head Publishing Co.,
London and CRC
Press, .
04. Sramugavalu, K.G., Kumar, N. and Peter, K.V. 2002. Production Technology of Spices and
Plantation Crops. Agro-Bios,
Jodhpur .
01. Nirmal Babu et. al. 1993. Spices Biotechnology at NRCS, National Research Centre for Spices,
Calicut 11p.
01. Peter, K.V., Sarma, Y.R., Rajagopal,V., Ramana,K.V., Devasahayam.S., and Krishnamurthy, K.S.(Ed) 1996.Proceedings of International Symposium on
Plantation Crops (PLACROSYM-XI). Indian Society For Platation Crops, Kasaragod - 671 124. pp 858
02. Sasikumar, B; Krishnamurthy, B., Rema B., Ravindran, P.N. and Peter, K.V. 1998. Proc. Golden Jubilee National Symp. On Spices, Medicinal Plants – Biodiversity, Conservation and Utilization, IISR,
Calicut 673 012.
Other publications
01. Peter, K.V. 1992. Getting back in Spices Trade. Indian Hort, July-Sept. 1992, 4-7.
02. Nirmal Babu, K., J. Rema, P.N. Ravindran and K.V. Peter. 1993. Biotechnology in Spices. Indian Hort. 38 (3) : 46-51.
03. Peter, K.V. 1994. Spices - Mixed performances. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, 1994. p. 91-96.
04. Peter, K.V. 1994. Spices scenario. Pepper, the biggest foreign exchange earner. Agri. Research Year Book 124-129.
05. Peter, K.V. 1994. Gearing up Spices Research to meet the emerging challenges. Indian Hort. 39(3): 7-10.
06. Ravindran, P.N., Nirmal Babu., Rema, B., and K.V. Peter., 1996 Plant Biotechnology in improvement of spices Botanica 46: 44-51
07. Kandiannan, K., Sivaraman, K and Peter, K.V. 1998. Black pepper - rapid multiplication. Spices XI (8): 2-5.
08. Peter, K.V. 1998. Bright prospects for white pepper export. Hindu Business Line Oct. 5, 1998.
09. Peter, K.V., Ravindran, P.N., Nirmal Babu, K and Rema, J. 1998. Biotechnological innovations in Development of spices. Agriculture for All 1 (2) : 75-96.
10. Peter, K.V. 1999. Makings of a global leader. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture 1999, 81-85.
11. Peter, K.V. 1999. Global Pepper trade seen higher. Hindu Business Line March 3, 1999.
12. Mathew, P.A. and Peter, K.V. 2002. Foot rot in black pepper. The Hindu, Jan 24, 2002.
13. Peter, K.V and Nybe, E.V. 2002. Spices Dominating global markets. The Hindu – Survey of Indian Agriculture 2002, The Hindu, Chennai, 87-97.
14. Nybe, E.V and Peter, K.V.2002. Harness the potential for diversified uses of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). International Pepper News Bulletin, Jan.- June 2002, 22-29