Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 5179, a biocontrol agent against Phytophthora foot rot-Talc formulation

Product Background

ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode has successfully developed, field-tested Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 5179 in the talc form. This biopesticide can effectively manage Phytophora foot rot and slow decline disease in black pepper


The production of black pepper is hampered by Phytophora foot root caused by Phytophora all black pepper growing countries. Talc formulation of T. harzianum MTCC 5179 can be used to successfully manage Phytophora. This technology can be effectively used integrated pest management and in organic farming system.

The industry/customer problem

The production of black pepper is hampered by Phytophora foot root caused by Phytophora all black pepper growing countries. Talc formulation of T. harzianum MTCC 5179 can be used to successfully manage Phytophora. This technology can be effectively used integrated pest management and in organic farming system.

Latest product information



Trichocap-Biocapsules of Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 5179 marketed by our licensee M/s Codagu Agritech, Kushalnagar, Codagu, Karnataka

Commercialization Status

Technology commercialized to three companies through non-exclusive licensing

  1. District Agricultural Farm, Kannur, Kerala in the year 2014
  2. M/s. Agri Life Biotech, Kottayam, Kerala in the year 2015
  3. M/s Codagu Agritech, Kushalnagar, Codagu, Karnataka
  4. Assistant Director of Agriculture Parasite breeding Station, Kozhikode, Kerala in the year 201

Agrinnovate India Limited
G-2, A Block, NASC Complex,
DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012, INDIA