Product Background
The formulation developed at ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research contains a consortium of PGPR for black pepper, which enhances black pepper growth and yield as well as enhances nutrient mobilization in the soil. The consortium is a combination of three bacteria namely Micrococcus luteus, Enterobacter aerogenes and Micrococcus sp. It is applied both in the nursery and main field. It aids in nutrient mobilization, promotes growth and yield of black pepper as well as provides protection against diseases at a negligible cost. The talc formulation can be applied to black pepper vine (in the basin/ root zone) or can be mixed with well decomposed FYM or any other organic manure and applied around the basins of each black pepper vine.
The talc based bioformulation based on a consortium of PGPR, Micrococcus luteus, Enterobacter aerogenes and Micrococcus sp.. for enhancing nutrient mobilization and thereby growth and yield in black pepper. It can be applied both in black pepper nurseries and under field condition as soil drench.
The industry/customer problem
Due to increase inputs of pesticides and fertilizers, the role of these microorganisms is marginalized in conventional agricultural, leading to loss of biodiversity as well as its function. Long term production and yield in agriculture crops mainly depends on sustainable and ecofriendly technologies. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are coming under this category, which combat with the depletion of nutrient supply in the agricultural soils and fight against pathogens
Latest product information
Powercap, biocapsules of PGPR consortium marketed by our licensee M/s Codagu Agritech, Kushalnagar, Codagu, Karnataka
Commercialization Status
Technology commercialized to One company through non-exclusive licensing
Agrinnovate India Limited
G-2, A Block, NASC Complex,
DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012, INDIA