In order to further penetrate China's market, International Pepper Community re-enhanced cooperation with China Spice Association with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding at the opening of China Spice Conference 2019 on 22 November 2019 in Jumeirah Hotel, Nanjing, China. The MoU, signed by Mr. Mike Liu, President of China Spice Association, and Mrs. Hoang Thi Lien, Executive Director of International Pepper Community, would surely help IPC broaden its network in the ever-promising China's Market.
During the China Spice Conference 2019, Mrs. Lien was also invited to speak in which she urged China business to enhance and enlarge its network with pepper supplier from IPC member country. She also emphasized IPC's eagerness to provide pepper for China market as per its increased demand. Furthermore, she pointed out that IPC looked forward to working with China competent authorities and ministries to invite China to join IPC which would benefit both sides as well as support the China pepper industry.
In addition, she also shared with participants of the Conference on Pepper Global Scenario Update 2019, a closer look to the supply, demand, price and future prospect of the pepper industry as well as China market's role in it. She also showcased the latest addition of IPC improvement: Directions on Regulations for Export (DIREX) which is a database from consuming country of regulation and pertinent information for exporting as well as the Interactive Visual Analytic of the Country Crop Report which would enable user to assess the demand and supply condition of the global pepper industry. The two features are already made available in the IPC website and China's business community are welcome to explore and utilize the accordingly.