
IPC Indonesian Farmers App Workshop East Lampung, September 10, 2019.

 ipc  13/09/2019  2622

Being known as the origin of black pepper in Indonesia, Lampung Province becomes the biggest contributor of black pepper exports from Indonesia. Pepper in Lampung is cultivated in all 15 districts, totaling an approximate of 45,742 Ha with production of 13,014 Mt and Value of USD 44.1 Million as per year of 2018. East Lampung has always been known as the main area of pepper cultivation in Lampung. Concentration areas of East Lampung pepper cultivation are Marga Tiga, Melinting and Sukadana.

Following the success of the IPC Indonesian Farmers App Workshop in Belitung Island in February 2019, IPC in collaboration with the Plantation Division of East Lampung succeeded to conduct IPC Indonesian Farmers App Workshop for farmers in East Lampung on 10 September 2019 at the Assembly Hall BPP - Marga Tiga, East Lampung. This workshop was attended by around 60 participants of farmers, officials of East Lampung Agriculture Department, representatives from Lampung Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology (Lampung AIAT), representatives from the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Institute (BALITTRO) and also representatives from Verstegen Spice and Sauce BV.

The event was opened by the Executive Director of the International Pepper Community, Mrs. Hoang Thi Lien briefly explained the condition of pepper industry in recent years. With supply of pepper reaching more than 500 KMT, the global demand for pepper was unable to balance it out, thus, resulting in low price of pepper. Furthermore, in response to help farmers, IPC launched IPC Farmers App which was successfully launched in Indonesia on July 2018 in Bangka, India on November 2018 in Kochi and Viet Nam on April 2019 in Gia Lai Province. IPC believe IPC Farmers App will be of great use for farmers. In addition, the Head of the Plantation Division of East Lampung, Mrs. Superda Athica Masyono, S.E. said that East Lampung had great potential for pepper cultivation. Therefore, farmers ought to be able to receive counseling from the expert of BALITTRO, BPTP and also IPC to help farmers understand more on the Good Agriculture Practices and deal with diseases on pepper cultivation which would help ensure farmers welfare. Dr. Wiratno from BALITTRO as guest speaker presented Sustainable Control of Black Pepper Pest Using Botanical Pesticide.

At the end of the event, an enthusiastic discussion led by the Section Chief of Plantation Division of East Lampung Mr. Djadjang Rosadi, S.P., M.Si. was held. The discussion elaborated on the importance of maintaining the quality of the pepper which would benefit farmers in gaining higher prices for their product. img
