The VPA felt that issue on the residue of Carbendazim which was mentioned by Mr. Gerwarld was not correct and has created worries among the trade. The VPA has then held a Meeting between VPA and Olam International Ltd. to seek for clarifications from Olam on this issue. The local and foreign pepper enterprises in Vietnam have also requested VPA to get clarifications from Olam. Mr. Nam further stated that, all those present at the Meeting, have agreed on the followings:
Representative of Olam asserted that in the ASTA Meeting, Mr. Gerwald Kras-s speech about -Carbendazim residue in pepper- meant only a general warning, not implied pepper from Vietnam or another country.
Representative of Olam confirmed that any speech of representatives of Olam given in the unofficial discussions at the backstage of the ASTA meeting was only individual opinion and not representing Olam, not reflected exactly on the real situation of Vietnam pepper.
VPA affirmed that since Olam became a member of VPA in 2003, Olam has been participated in many meetings organized by VPA however Olam representatives have never given speech in the meetings or directly reflected on the issue of Carbendazim residue in Vietnam pepper or proposed VPA to prevent the issue.
The General Director of the Vietnam Suprintendence & Inspection of Agricultural products for Export - Import affirmed that the company has never received any complaint about Carbendazim residue in any shipment of Vietnam pepper for many years of inspecting Vietnam export pepper. With the responsibility of an organization specialized in inspecting agricultural products for exports, they has tested and inspected many samples however not detected Carbendazim in any stored pepper sample.
The full text of the minutes between VPA and Olam can be downloaded here