
Pesticide Residue Training, 26-27th September 2017, Kuching, Malaysia

 ipc  20/11/2017  1935
The pesticide residue hands-on training on pepper was jointly hosted by the IPC and the Malaysian Pepper Board on 26th - 27th September 2017 at MPB Central Laboratory, Kuching, Malaysia. The training, which consisted of laboratories personnel from India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka, focused on understanding the needs and role of the pepper residue laboratory networks and enhancing the pesticide residue knowledge and skills of laboratories personnel from IPC member countries.

This seminar consisted of two main sessions in which paper was presented in selected topic. These two sessions were:
(1) regional pesticide control scenario in pepper farming and;
(2) quality control procedure for pesticide residue analysis.
In addition to exchange of idea and information, this training also provided hand on activities to all participants from the IPC member countries to learn technique for residue extraction and analysis using standard protocol as stated in SANCO document.

During the practical session, participants were introduced to QuEChERS Extraction and cleaning procedure, Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GCMS). Overall, participants provided positive feedback on the training and met their objectives. Participants also expressed that the schedule and administrative arrangements were well organized. The training provided an opportunity to further enhance the pepper producing countries capacity for extraction, detection, analysis of pesticide residue in pepper berries.


During the two days of intensive hands-on practical sessions, lectures and group work, the main objectives of the training were fully achieved. At the end of the training, the knowledge and skills of the participants had improved. They were able to understand, explore and perform QuEChERS Extraction procedure and analyzed the residue using LCMS. The participants were further familiarized with other laboratory quality testing e.g. determination of moisture content, volatile oil contents, piperine contents and etc.

Training challenges
Although the training was generally successful, there were also some challenges that were experienced. These challenges were as follows:

  • Inadequate time for hand on practices and sharing of laboratory experience;
  • Participant without basic laboratory skills. E.g. do not know how to use pipette, using centrifuge machine and etc.
Recommendations and way forward
  1. Participant must be from laboratory personnel with basic residue knowledge;
  2. Prolong the training duration form 2 days to 3 days;
  3. Laboratory training should cover all quality parameter and not only focused on 1 parameter – LCMS.
