The 41st Session and Meetings of IPC will include the following meetings
Meeting of Heads of Pepper Exporters Associations / Commodity Boards
Business Session
Peppertech Meeting (Technical)
Meeting of Heads of Delegations
Pepperexim Meeeting (Exporters and Importers Meeting) and
Plenary Session
IPC welcomes suggestions and inputs from the pepper/spice players on the trade/ quality/ research related issues which are of interest to the pepper and spice industry for inclusion in the agenda of the above meetings.
The IPC and the Malaysian Pepper Board are also making arrangements to have a Pepper and Spice Exhibition for showcasing the pepper and value added products produced by the pepper exporters and manufacturers from the IPC member countries as well as machinery manufacturers of different countries.
IPC is finalizing the agendas for the above Session and Meetings and will be made available shortly in the IPC website for access by pepper / spice players from producing and consuming countries.