This year Global Pepper Conference is being organized jointly by the Ministry of Primary Industries, Department of Export Agriculture of Sri Lanka and the International Pepper Community..
The Annual Session and other related Meetings of the IPC is a unique forum for the decision makers, exporters, agricultural officers and producers/farmers of pepper from the IPC member countries of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam (full member countries), Papua New Guinea and the Philippines (associate members) to discuss important issues related to the pepper economy such as world pepper supply demand, quality issues, trade and marketing and other emerging issues on sustainability pepper etc. with the business partners from the other pepper producing countries and buyers, consumers, spice trade associations in the other producing and importing countries.
The 40th Session and Meetings of IPC
hosted by Sri Lanka in Colombo during 2012
2017 Global Pepper Conference, a must-attend event for pepper and spices industry players!
The IPC Annual Session and related Meetings will offer the delegates a unique opportunity to maintain existing partnerships, develop new contacts in the world pepper and spice trade and update information on the current development in the pepper production, trade and industry.
8th Business Session of IPC;
45th Executive Meeting of Heads of Delegation;
42nd Pepper Tech Meeting;
25th Pepper Exim Meeting;
45th Plenary Session of the IPC; and
Field Visit to Nuwera Ellya.
The Business Session will discuss the hot and emerging issues related to pepper production, trade, supply and demand situation and latest legislation on quality imposed by the major consuming countries.
The Executive Meeting of Heads of Delegation is a closed meeting of the Heads of Delegates of the IPC member countries to discuss and consider important maters related to the work programme and activities, administrative and financial maters of the IPC.
Peppertech Meeting this year will focus on ÔÇ£Sustainability and QualityÔÇØ and feature presentations on current developments in pepper production, exports, imports and other related issues of pepper in the pepper producing countries. Theme related papers from the international experts from the IPC member countries and speakers from the international companies/organizations will be also made by the invited speakers. The Pepper Tech meeting is aimed at studying and identifying problems faced by the pepper industry pertaining to production, processing, marketing and product development and to propose solutions for them. Researchers, agriculture and trade ministry officials and people in the pepper industry will be attending this Meeting which has now become a forum for experts to meet and exchange information on matters related to the industry.
Pepperexim Meeting (Meeting of Pepper Exporters & Importers) will focus on giving participants a clear picture of current trends in the pepper industry and prospects in terms of demands, production and trade for the coming years. This meeting is an opportunity for buyers and sellers to meet up, exchange of information and strengthen existing ties and forge new trading partnerships as well as to transact business on the sidelines. Major exporters and importers from pepper and spice producing and importing countries will take part in the Meeting.
International Exhibition on Pepper and Spices: The Ministry of Primary Industry and the Department of Export Agriculture of Sri Lanka with the support from the National pepper/spice association (SAPPTA/TSC) also make arrangement to have an international exhibition on pepper and other spices in conjunction with the 45th Session and related Meetings of the IPC during 30th October 2017 - 2nd November 2017. This trade fair is expected to gather leading exporters, processors and manufacturers of pepper and spice products mainly from the host country, Sri Lanka and other IPC member countries of India, Indonesia, Malaysia & Viet Nam as well as interested companies dealing with the production and processing of pepper and spice products.
With the show being held to coincide with the Annual Session and related Meetings of the International Pepper Community, it will be unique opportunity for those who are dealing with pepper and spice products and processes to present their products to a select community of producers, traders, manufacturers, exporters and users.
The host country also makes arrangements to have a full day Visit to Nugera Ellya, Sri Lanka on 2nd November 2017.
Sri Lanka which joined the IPC as an associate member in September 1992 then upgraded its membership to full member country. The instrument of accession of the Government of Sri Lanka to the Agreement Establishing the International Pepper Community was deposited with the United Nations in 2002.
In Sri Lanka, Pepper is grown and produced in the Central Provinces, North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Western and Southern Province. During 2016 production of pepper in Sri Lanka was reported to be around 19,150 Mt, registering a sharp decrease by around 32% or 9,000 Mt when compared to the production in 2015 which was at 28,170 Mt, due to climate changes.
Sri Lanka exported around 9,680 Mt of pepper, mainly black pepper during 2016 which registered a sharp decline by 42% as against the exports recorded in 2015 which was 16,657 Mt. India is the major importing country for the pepper from Sri Lanka, accounting for more than 50% of total pepper exports from Sri Lanka, followed by Pakistan and Egypt. Sri Lanka also produce and export organically grown pepper to different consuming countries in addition to other value added products of pepper like pepper oil and oleoresin etc. Besides, Sri Lanka also produces other spices of good quality like Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg and Vanilla etc.
Sri Lanka currently holds the chairmanship of the International Pepper Community for 2016/2017. The current Chairman of the IPC is Mr. Bandula Wickramarachchi who is also the Secretary of the Ministry of Primary Industries of Sri Lanka.
For more information regarding the 45th Session of IPC and the online registration, please visit our event website at