
Members to continue organizing the Pepper Day in 2017

 ipc  22/05/2017  913
As part of the IPC efforts in promoting the domestic consumption of pepper, to narrow down the gap between supply and demand, the IPC Secretariat at the recent meeting urged the member of Committee on Marketing to continue organizing the Pepper Day during 2017.

In response to the request from the IPC Secretariat, all the representatives from member countries present at the recent Marketing Committee Meeting have expressed the willingness of the concerned agencies in the member countries to continue organizing promotion programme Pepper Day during 2017.

Indonesia informed that the Pepper Day 2017 will be held on 26th August 2017 in Lampung. Viet Nam is to have the Pepper Day in October 2017. India is scheduled to organize Pepper Day during the forth quarter of 2017 while Sri Lanka had suggested having the Pepper Day at the same day for all members on 26th August.

Inauguration of Pepper Day 2016 held in India on 29th Nov. 2016

Pepper is a commodity with low price elasticity and that the consumption in the importing countries may not increase significantly event at the time of the declining of pepper prices. One way of increasing demand and improving prices is to increase domestic consumption in producing countries taking into consideration there is ample opportunities to increase domestic consumption in the producing countries in line with the increase in the middle level.

The Pepper Day promotion programme has been held in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia Sri Lanka and Viet Nam and this effort is expected to continue to create awareness on the health benefit of pepper as food ingredients.
