
Mrs. Mariam Ilias named as the Liaison Officer of Malaysia to IPC

 ipc  20/01/2017  880
Mrs. Mariam Ilias, who has assumed office as Under Secretary of Coca and Pepper Industry Development Division under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, has been named as the new Liaison Officer of the Government of Malaysia to the International Pepper Community

Mrs. Mariam Ilias holder of Master degree of Science in International Cooperation policy majoring in Development Economics from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University of Japan took over the post of Under Secretary of Cocoa and Pepper Industry Development from Mr. Tan Beng Swee who retired from the Government service in the month of November 2016.

The Secretariat of the International Pepper Community wishes to congratulate and welcome Mrs. Mariam Ilias, Under Secretary of Cocoa and Pepper Industry Development as the new Liaison Officer of Malaysia to the International Pepper Community and at the same time also thank Mr. Tan Beng Swee, the outgoing Liaison Officer for his support to IPC during last few years service with the MPIC.
