
IPC Executive Director visited Davao, Philippines and met Governor Claude Bautista

 ipc  14/11/2016  1421
The IPC Executive Director and Information Officer visited Philippines from 23rd - 25th October 2016 to have discussion with the Governor of Davao Occidental Province, Mr. Claude P. Bautista and other officials in Malita, Capital of the newly established province.

The visit of IPC official was as a follow up of discussion had during the participation of the delegates from Philippines at the 44th Session and Meetings of IPC held in Jakarta during 8-10 August 2016 and subsequent visit by Governor Claude Bautista and officials to the pepper growing areas in Indonesia and Vietnam during 19th - 25th September 2016.

On 22nd October evening, Mr. WDL Gunaratne, ED, IPC, discussed with the Governor Bautista on the issues related to the Global pepper production and trade, the plan of the Governor to have Davao Occidental province as the center of pepper growing areas in Philippines, support and cooperation among the pepper producing countries and the invitation to Philippines to join the IPC as a member.

Meeting with the Governor: Governor of Davao Occidental Province,
Mr. Claude P Bautista, Mr. WDL Gunaratne, ED of IPC and Mr. Nur
Haryanto, IO of IPC at the meeting held in Malita, Davao Occidental,
The Philippines on 24th Oct. 2016

On 23rd October 2016 the Executive Director and Governor Bautista and other officials made a visit to Bangaray Demoloc where an experimental block of pepper has been established using the bricks columns as supports. A good irrigation system has also been established in the pepper area and as stated by the Governor expansion of pepper cultivation in this area is expected soon. Growth of pepper for four month period seems to be very good the variety is Panniyur - 1.

Executive Director demonstrated the officials how to propagate pepper using pepper stem cuttings, taking well grown stem cuttings from the bricks columns. Also explain how to establish a pepper nursery and multiplication block for further expansion of pepper.

The team was able to visit another area to be developed for pepper cultivation in the afternoon; visit was continued to a highlands area, Little Baguio, which was about 1 hour drive from Bangaray Demoloc. ED and IO of IPC along with other officials from Davao Occidental province observed some of the lands and identified as suitable for pepper cultivation in this area.

The location is at 700-800m above mean sea level with abundant water resources and based on soil and topography area seems to be suitable for pepper. Further, suitability was reconfirmed as Coconut bearing is very good and growth of Gliricidia also vigorous in the area.

Mr. Claude P. Bautista, Governor of Davao Occidental and
Mr. Gunaratne, Exec. Director of IPC and other agricultural
officials during the visit to the pepper experimental garden in
Demoloc about 30 minutes drive from Malita.

With the agriculture officers at the farm

Met with farmers in the Little Baguio area

In the evening of 23rd October, the Executive Director also has the opportunity to have an informal discussion with the Governor Bautista and Congress women Lorna Bautista-Bandiga in Malita, Capital of Davao Occidental Province.

On 24th October 2016, the IPC along with other officials from the Davao Occidental Province visited two pepper farmers in Village of Salunayan, Midcayap, North Cotabato of Cotabato Province

On 24th October 2016: Visit to pepper farmer in Village of Salunayan, and Forsy Kiwanan of Midcayap, North Cotabato of Cotabato Province. Both of the farmers grow pepper using Gliricida as live support.

Mr. Gunaratne, ED of IPC observing the pepper vines at one
of the pepper field located at Salunayan village of Midcayap,
Nort Cotabato of Cotabato Province

On 25th October 2016: The Executive Director and IO IPC had a meeting and discussion with Mdm. Claudine Diana Bautista, Mrs. Givel Mamaril and Ms. Mary Joy Balunan on the findings and suggestions made by ED of IPC after the visit and also follow up required for the IPC and Davao Occidental Province to pursue the membership of Philippines to IPC.

Ms. Claudine Diana Bautista, CEO of PVCASI, Mr.
Gunaratne, ED of IPC after a meeting at Davao City on 25th
Oct. 2016. Seen also other officers Ms Mary Joe Balunan,
Ms. Givel Mamaril, Mr. Pedro from PVCASI and Nur
Haryanto, IO of IPC
