
Governor Bautista and other officials of Philippines visited Indonesia and Vietnam

 ipc  21/10/2016  1022
The Philippines keens to develop pepper industry and invited to join IPC as a member

The Government of the Davao Occidental Province of the Philippines has been in touch with the IPC for the last one year and through a series of communication. They have indicated their interest to develop further their pepper industry and requested the support from the IPC and other member countries to undertake a suitable programme to be implemented in the Philippines, particularly in Davao Occidental province.

At the 44th Session of IPC, a strong delegation from Davao Occidental Province attended the Session and they have also interacted with the officials from the IPC and member countries. The presentation of the Philippines delegates at the Session has been appreciated by the delegates from the IPC member countries and at the Pepper-Tech Meeting and Plenary Session, Mrs. Givel Mamaril made a paper presentation outlining the current development of the pepper industry and the support required by Philippines from the IPC. The Philippines delegate also stated at the Plenary Session that the Government of Philippines is considering taking up the membership based on the formal invitation from the IPC.

Following their participation at the last Session of IPC in Jakarta during 8th - 10th August 2016, the IPC Secretariat has extended its support to facilitate visits of the Governor of Davao Occidental Province, Mr. Claude Bautista and his officials to Bangka Island and Lampung in Indonesia as well as Gialai, HCM City and Binh Duong Province in Vietnam, to meet and discuss with different agencies and farmers at the growing areas. The support was extended after the request from the Office of the Governor and subsequent communications with the agencies in Indonesia and in Vietnam.

Visit to Bangka and Lampung of Indonesia

During 18th to 21st September 2016, five officials from the Davao Occidental Province, Mrs. Givel Montejo Mamaril, Mrs. Mary Joy M. Balunan, Mrs. Nally Solo Bangoy, Mr. Pabalan Pedro Benedicto and Mr. Rodgie Soria Casiano with Executive Director and Information Officer visited Bangka and Lampung of Indonesia to meet and discuss with officials from the Assessment and Implementation Agency for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) of the Ministry of Agriculture in Bangka and the Board for Development, Management and Marketing of White Pepper in Bangka Belitung Province (BP3L).

The Assessment and Implementation Agency for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) of Bangka Belitung Province is an agency under the Indonesian Agency of Agriculture Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture with the main functions to inventory and identify local specific agriculture technology; research, assessment local specific agricultural technology and assembly these into packages to be used as agricultural extension materials. The BPTP Bangka Belitung complex include a main office building and equipped with the experimental station, pepper nursery, green house, library and dissemination laboratory.

Dr. Asmarhansyah of BPTP and officials from the Davao Occidental Province were in discussion during the visit to BPTP Bangka Belitung Province of Indonesia

At the BPTP, the delegates had a chance to discuss and exchange of information with the officials of the BPTP and visited their nursery which is located in the BPTP office complex.

The Board for Development, Management and Marketing of White Pepper in Bangka Belitung Province (BP3L), Bangka Belitung which was established in 2009 is the marketing agency for the Muntok white pepper produced from the Bangka Belitung province. The Muntok White Pepper has obtained its GI status from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. At the BP3L, which owns and operates an integrated nursery / green house, a sustainable pepper plot and farm processing unit of white pepper of around 6Ha, the officials from Philippines had a chance to see and discuss with Head of BP3L, Mr. Zainal Arifin.

The officials from BPTP, BP3L, IPC and Davao Occidental Province of Philippines at the BPTP main office, Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung

The BP3L field is considered to be one of the best models of production and processing units in Indonesia for the producers to produce good quality white pepper. The complex has one green house / nursery, a model of good pepper experimental field with live supports and green mulch, soaking tanks, drying yard and processing unit as well as the guard house.

In addition to the discussion and meeting with the officials from the two agencies in Bangka Island, the delegates also visited few pepper fields in Bangka operated by BP3L in Bangka and in Lampung, they visited the pepper field belongs to Mr. Lukito, the best pepper farmer from Indonesia for 2015 and had a chance to meet with one leading exporter from Lampung.

The experimental garden of BP3L operated by Board for Development, Management and Marketing of White Pepper (BP3L), located about 30 minutes drive from Pangkal Pinang, Capital of Bangka Belitung. Along with the garden, a green house, drying yard, soaking pool, and other processing facilities are also available at the same area for use by white pepper farmers and farmers group / cooperatives.

The Executive Director, officials from Davao Occidental and Mr. Lukito (center), the best pepper farmer from Indonesia for 2015, during the visit to East Lampung

During the Visit to Lampung and Bangka, the delegates also discussed in details with the Executive Director and Information Officer on the invitation for membership which was sent by IPC to the Philippines through the office of the Governor of Davao Occidental and the possible supports from the IPC member countries to the Philippines in further developing their pepper industry by formulating suitable strategy for future.

Visit of the Governor of Davao Occidental and other officials to Vietnam

Through the help of the Vietnam Pepper Association and IPC, the visit of the Governor of Davao Occidental Province, Mr. Claude Bautista and his team was arranged during 22nd to 25th September 2016. The Governor, five officials from the Davao Occidental Province and Information Officer of IPC visited the office of the Vietnam Pepper Association on 22nd September afternoon and was received by Mrs. Nguyen Mai Oanh, the Secretary General of VPA and other officers.

Visit of the Governor Bautista and delegates from Philippines to the office of the Vietnam Pepper Association in HCM City which was received by Mdm. Nguyen Mai Oanh

On the 23rd September, the delegates visited the Pepper Research and Development Centre in Plekiu, the capital of Gia Lai Province to have a discussion and exchange of information with the Director of PRDC, Dr. Dang Ba Da and other scientists on the cultivation practices and other issues related to the pepper production and development. The PRDC main responsibility is among others, undertaking research and transfer advance technology for black pepper, coffee, macadamia, avocado covering research programs on selection of suitable varieties/cultivars, plant protection, crop management and production technology and other agricultural services. The PRDC operates rootstock pepper field, pepper mother plant garden of mainly Vinh Linh variety and research works on virus free pepper variety and promotion of sustainable pepper cultivation technologies.

Meeting and discussion led by Dr. Dang Ba Da,
Director of Pepper Research and Development Center, Plekiu City, Gia Lai Province

The Delegates also visited Chu See area and had a meeting and discussion with the Boards and members of the Chu See Pepper Association. The Governor Bautista, information officer of IPC and officials from Davao Occidental province was received by Mr. Hoang Phuoc Binh, the Vice-Chairman of the Chu See Association and around 20 other members. The Vice Chairman of Association explained about the success of the Chu See pepper growing areas as one of the most important pepper growing areas in Vietnam with highest productivity. Chairman also informed about pepper cultivation practices and the problem faced by the farmers in pest and diseases. Chu See Pepper Association has also been focused in promoting Chu See Pepper as the brand mark from Gia Lai Province to the world market.

A set of books recently published by IPC namely Processing and Production of Pepper; Production of Quality Pepper Planting Materials; Pests and Diseases control of Pepper; IPC Pepper Statistics year book were handed over to Mr. Binh, Vice-Chairman of Chu See Association by the Information Officer of IPC.

Visit to Chu See Pepper Association, Governor Bautista, Information Officer of IPC, and other officials from Philippines was received by Vice-Chairman and members of Chu See Association

Following the meeting, the group then visited pepper growing areas in Chu See of Gia Lai Province. Another factory visit to HAKINVEST JSC Company located near Plekiu was made afterward.

Delegates visit to the pepper growing areas in Chu See,
Gia Lai Province, Vietnam

Visit to Pepper/Coffee Processing / Exporting Company, HAKINVEST located in Plekiu, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam.

At the end of the visits, The Governor Bautista also extended the invitation to the officials from Vietnam Pepper Association, Pepper and Research and Development Centre and Chu See Pepper Association to visit the Philippines in the near future

On 24th September, the delegates met and discussed with the Olam Vietnam on the business potentials and cooperation with the Philippines spice / agricultural importing company.

Mr. Ravi of Olam, Mdm Nguyen Mai Oanh of VPA and the delegates from Philippines after discussion at the Reverie Hotel, HCM City, Vietnam

Another visit made by the Delegates to Binh Dhuong province. The Governor Mr. Bautista and other officials from Philippines accompanied with the Secretary General of VPA and Information Officer of IPC visited two leading pepper, coffee and rice processors / exporters from Vietnam namely Vien Hip Company and Haprosimec JSC. The Philippines is one of the importers of coffee, rice from Vietnam and the delegates had the opportunities to discuss and saw the capabilities and facilities of these two companies in the processing and supply of agricultural products from Vietnam.

Meeting during the visit to Haprosimex JSC plant at Binh Duong Province, Vietnam. The delegates were received by Mrs. Ngo Tam, Director General of Haprosimex JSC

As per the information from the Governor, the Philippines is seriously considering the invitation from the IPC to become as a start, an associate member of IPC. The processing of getting the clearance from the central Government in Manila is being taken up and it is expected that this will be speed up by the office of the Governor in the near future.
