
New office of IPC Secretariat inaugurated by Chairman of IPC

 ipc  15/01/2016  989
The new office of the International Pepper Community was officially inaugurated on Thursday, 14th January 2016 by Mr. Bachrul Chairi, the Chairman of the IPC who is also the Director General of the International Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Trade of the Government of Republic of Indonesia.

Among the top officials attending the Inauguration ceremony were Mr. Sutriono Edy, Head of BAPPEBTI (COFTRA), Mr. Deny Kurnia, Liaison Officer of Indonesia to IPC, Mrs. Retno, Mr. Martin, Secretary of BAPPEBTI, Dr. Agus Wahyudi, Head of Indonesian Spice Research Institute and other senior officials, representative from the Spice trade, GIZ and HIVOS and the Executive Director of IPC and all the Officers and Staff of the IPC.

Executive Director welcome the Mr. Bachrul Chairi, Chairman of IPC,
Mr. Sutriono Edy, Head of BAPPBTI and other officials
at trade representative in Jakarta during the Opening Ceremony of IPC

The new IPC office located at the 8th floor of BAPPEBTI Building in Central Jakarta. BAPPEBTI (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi or Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency COFTRA) is an agency under the Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia. With the shifting of the IPC office to BAPPEBTI building, it is expected that the IPC will be having more close working relationship with the concerned agencies under the Ministry of Trade including BAPPEBTI, the agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture which are dealing with the pepper production, trade and industry in particular and this will strengthen the IPC Secretariat to serve better the member countries.

The inauguration of the opening of the new office of IPC and APCC was done today by the Chairman of the IPC, Mr. Bachrul Chairi and Mr. Sutriono Edy, Head of the BAPPEBTI after the process of shifting of the offices from former premises at LINA building to BAPPEBTI building completed in the first week of January 2016.

Mr. Bachrul Chairi, Chairman of IPC and Director General of International
Trade Negotiation received a set of newly released publications of IPC during
the Inaugural Function of the opening of new offices of IPC and APCC
at BAPPEBTI Bldg, 8th Floor, Jakarta

The Chairman of IPC, Mr. Bachrul Chairi (3rd left) and Mr. Sutriono Edy
(2nd left) officially inaugurate the opening of new offices of the IPC
and APCC Secretariat at BAPPEBTI Building by Chairman of IPC
on 14 Jan. 2015. Mr. WDL Gunaratne (most left), Executive Director of IPC
and Mr. Uron N. Shalum (most right) were also seen.

The International Pepper Community (IPC) is an inter-governmental organization of pepper producing countries, established in 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, consisting of Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam as full members and Papua New Guinea as an associate member. The IPC Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia hosted by the Government of Indonesia.

Altogether, the IPC member countries account for more than 88% of the world production and 95% in export of Pepper during the year 2015. IPC main objectives are to promote, coordinate and harmonize all activities related to the pepper economy.

The full address of the IPC Secretariat is:

8th Floor, BAPPEBTI Building
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 172
Jakarta Pusat 10430
For more information
