Pepper nursery in Para State, Brazil
The Emater, which participates in the entire design process, will also have the responsibility for printing of booklets that will help technicians in conducting the field work. The booklets which have been printed in full color and illustrative guide, will be made available to the pepper farmers and it contain information on best practices of black pepper culture by adopting a simple and illustrative language. "We will involve at least 30 technicians in the production process along with the farmers that have been receiving technical assistance from Emater," said Cleide Amorim.
According Oriel Filgeira de Lemos, Agronomist and Plant Breeder of Embrapa, the seedling production quality is the bottleneck of pepper culture in Brazil. The project wants to provide best practices and appropriate technologies on crop management to be adopted and used by farmers in developing and producing good and healthy planting materials to increase the productivity, quality and the economic cycle. "The increase of one year of pepper life may represent an economic gain of 20%," said Lemos.
The State of Par- is now the largest pepper growing areas in Brazil. Brazil is one of the largest pepper producers, which is also a member of IPC. Today, Para state contributes more than 80% of the Brazilian pepper production. Of these 90%, goes to the foreign market. (Source EMBRAPA/EMATER, Brazil)