

 ipc  04/06/2014  978

The Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia in close collaboration with the International Pepper Community organized a Seminar and Recipe Competition at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta on 30th April 2014. The event was conducted in line with the decisions made in the last Annual Session and Meetings of IPC to have promotion programme to increase the domestic consumption of pepper in the IPC member countries.

Honorable Vice Minister of Trade, Mr. Bayu Krishnamurti inaugurated the Pepper Day programme held in Jakarta, which was attended by over 100 participants including Ambassadors/ representatives of the Embassies of IPC member countries.

Honorable Vice-Minister of Trade, Mr. Bayu Krishnamurti delivered his address at the Pepper Day his opening address
The vice Minister in his opening address highlighted the importance of Pepper as the export commodity from Indonesia for the long time and the programmes implemented by the stake holders / concerned agencies in Indonesia to support the development of the pepper industry, Mr. Bayu also stressed the need for the stake holders on Supply Response. He suggested the stake holders of pepper to have provocative folks by looking at the opportunities like pepper tourism, provide training which will encourage the pepper farmers and family for producing pepper / spice handicraft (in addition to the GAP training)

Mr. Bayu stated that the promotion programme Pepper Day being organized by the Ministry of Trade is expected to reduce the impact of the price decline at a time when the over supply hit the pepper industry, as the domestic demand is expected to increase in the years to come.

Mr. S. Kannan, Executive Director of IPC presented his paper at the Pepper Day Seminar
The Pepper Day which is the first time organized by Indonesia, was well organized and has become attractive as the event in the morning was featured with presentation of five speakers at the Seminar, viz. Mr. S. Kannan, Executive Director of IPC, Mr. Abdul Azis of Ministry Agriculture, Mrs. Sofiati of Indonesian Spice Council, Dr. Nuning S. Barwa of Martina Berto (leading cosmetic and Jamu manufactures) and was presided by Mr. Deny Kurnia, Director of APEC and other International Organization of the Ministry of Trade.

Mr. S. Kannan, Executive Director of IPC, who presented the first paper on Development of International Cooperation in pepper sector through IPC, reviewed the current global and Indonesia pepper industry. He informed the advantages of Indonesian pepper and its major health and medicinal values of pepper. Mr. Kannan further made some suggestions to be undertaken by the concerned agencies on value addition and promotion of new areas for pepper development to attaining Indonesia to reach its production level of 100,000 Tons by 2020.

A paper on Enhancing trade, production, productivity and consumption of pepper was presented by Mrs. Sofiati of Indonesian Spice Council, while Mr. Abdul Azis of the Directorate General of Estate Crops, Ministry of Agriculture presented a paper highlighting the current development of national policy for pepper.

Dr. Nuning S. Barwa, Directo of PT Martina Berto, a well established Jamu and Cosmetic company in Indonesia. She highlighted the health and beauty benefit of pepper and pepper products and further informed that Pepper and its products have been used in many of the Jamu and cosmetic products produced by PT Martina Berto.

Left to right: Chef Ragil, Mr. Ery of Ministry of Trade, Ms. Sofiati of Indonesian Spice Council and Mr. S. Kannan, Executive Director of IPC raised few questions with the a group participating at the Recipe Contest at Pepper Day.
In the afternoon two groups of students / chef from selected Hotel/Tourism Colleges were demonstrating their skills in cooking the two different recipes selected from many pepper based recipes submitted to the Committee. At the end, the Judge has selected Hotel and Tourism College, Bogor (PATUT LARANG) as the winner of the Recipe Contest and was awarded a prize of Rp.4 millions

A Cooking Demo of 3-4 different pepper based recipes was made by Chef Regil. The cooking demo also involves some selected audience to the stage to help Chef Ragil and actively follow the cooking demo before the event was officially closed by Mr. Deny Kurnia at 3.30pm.

Cooking demo by Chef Ragil at the Pepper Day

Mr. Deny Kurnia handing over the prizes of IDR 4 millions to the winner of Recipe Competition held at the Pepper Day in Jakarta

Mr. S. Kannan handed over the prizes of IDR2.5 million to the 2nd winner of the Contest

Mr. Deny Kurnia, Director at the Ministry of Trade (left) and Mr. S. Kannan, Executive Director posed with the winners of the Recipe Contest at the Pepper Day 2014 in JakartaMr. S. Kannan handed over the prizes of IDR2.5 million to the 2nd winner of the Contest
