
The 10th Meeting of the IPC Committee on R&D

 IPC  29/10/2021  4401

The International Pepper Community has organized the 10th Meeting of the IPC Committee on R&D (10th IPC R&D) on 25 October 2021, virtually. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Farid Amir, the Alternate Chairman of IPC 2021 cum Director of APEC and International Organization Negotiation Division, Ministry of Trade, Indonesia.

During the 10th IPC R&D meeting which was attended by the government officials and experts in the field of pepper research and development, Ms. Firna Azura Ekaputri Hj. Marzuki, the Executive Director of IPC presented on key highlights of the IPC R&D's among others the implemented 2021 work plan projects and activities; promotional webpage for IPC Member Countries' R&D Products; and the publication of the revision of the IPC Book on Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). Furthermore, the meeting also discussed on an important topic for the development of pepper which was the product traceability of IPC Member Countries.

The meeting was concluded with the discussion on the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) final rule of Chlorpyrifos Tolerance Revocation which current tolerance for all commodities including pepper will expire on 28 February 2022.

Related Link The 10th Meeting of the IPC Committee on R&D Photo Gallery    
