
Pepper Statistical Yearbook 2020 is Available Now

 IPC  28/10/2021  2618
As authentic and reliable data of production, export, import, price, cultivation area, etc are of great benefit for the stakeholder of pepper industry, we are pleased to publish the Pepper Statistical Yearbook 2020 which consist of the most relevant information pertinent to the pepper industry.

This compilation of self-contained and easily referred to data presents ten years summary of important statistical data on area, production, export, import, consumption and price of the producing countries between 2011 - 2020 as well as the latest five years detailed statistic on import and export pepper of the producing and consuming countries.

Year 2020 saw the increasing of pepper production by 2% as compared with the previous year as it reached a total of 576 KMT. Thus, giving a major pressure on the global pepper price which has been significantly low in recent years. New York spot price of pepper in 2020 was reported at an average of USD 3,087 per Mt for black pepper and USD 4,160 per Mt for white pepper, recording a 2% increase for black pepper and 18% deficit for white pepper as compared to 2019. The total pepper export of producing countries in 2020 recorded an increase by 2 KMT as opposed to the previous year. Whilst the total import of the consuming countries was reported with a slight 4% increase as compared with the same period in 2019.

The success of the publication of the Pepper Statistical Yearbook 2020 is highly due to the cooperation and support of the IPC Member Countries, ITC Geneva, FAO and other relevant organization which could not be named individually. The updated and relevant information and data provided by them were the key to compiling a reliable historical data series.

Please click this link to download Pepper Statistical Year book 2020
