
New Timetable for the MRL Reduction of Chlorpyrifos By EU in 2020

 ipc  17/06/2020  3528

In recent development following the adoption of the EU Commission Regulation which regulate the reducing of the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl to the lower limit of detection of 0.01 mg/kg, European Commission in response to the effect of the Global Pandemic of Corona Virus outbreak, has shared new timetable for the publication of the regulation concerning the MRL of said active substances.

The timetable for the publication of the amendment regulation was previously scheduled in July 2020 and the application of the new MRL would take effect from October 2020. The slightly delayed new timetable, communicated by the EU Commission to the European Spice Association, would provide for the publication of the amendment regulation in August 2020 and the application of the new MRL would take effect from November 2020.

Upon the implementation of the amended regulation and the application of the new MRL, European Countries would ban the use of any product or goods including the already manufactured, on-the-shelves and imported goods which active substances of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl exceeds the new MRL. Thus, a more stringent control measure needed to be adopted by all of the agricultural especially pepper stakeholders. img

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