
Chlorpyrifos: new MRL planned for October 2020 - no transition period for goods already produced

 ipc  23/12/2019  3850

Further to the previously released news on `Authorization for MRLs of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl may not be renewed by European Commission` which would mean the reduction of MRLs for said chemicals to the determination limit of 0.01 mg/kg, the Standing Committee on Residues of Plant Protection Products of the EU Commission was reported to have already discussed a draft regulation to lower the maximum residue levels for said chemicals to 0.01 mg/kg which also specified that transitional regulations for goods already manufactured (EU) or imported (third countries/non-EU countries) are not to be granted, and the delay period (entry into force and the validity of new regulation) is to be shortened to 3 months.

In addition, the World Trade Organization (WTO) had been notified on this draft proposal on 12 December 2019. The deadline for feedback/complaints from third countries to the WTO is 10 February 2020 before casting the final vote at the next meeting of the Standing Committee in February (presumably: 17/18.2.2020). The Regulation would then be published in July 2020 according to the WTO/SPS notification, and the new MRLs would apply fully from October 2020, i.e. also to goods already manufactured.

The spices industry had shown a clear concern in this regard as both chemicals are widely used in the spice products. Therefore, it's advisable that major supplier of spices from third countries to provide comment to the WTO in this regard before the deadline on 10 February 2020. img

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