Pesticides is currently difficult to separate in agricultural activities. The use of pesticides is reported to reduce yield loss due to attacks by plant pests and plant pathogens. Nonetheless, the application of pesticides must be done wisely, on the right dosage, time, target, application, and on the right type. Actually the use of pesticides in the agricultural world is not prohibited, as long as it does not exceed the recommended dosage and is not used continuously.
The use of pesticide is only recommended if pest and pathogens attacks have reached the economic threshold. Farmers are encouraged to carry out preventive activities, rather than curative or eradicative activities. Pesticides application continuously and in improper doses is reported to damage the environment and agricultural products. The active ingredients found in pesticides are chemical compounds that are difficult to decompose in nature, and can be harmful to humans.
Public awareness of the importance of healthy agricultural products causes consumers to choose agricultural products that contain as little as possible pesticide residues. This caused the European Union to amend Maximum Residue Levels of several active ingredients of pesticides. The amendments are presented in the table below:
The MRL changes mentioned above need to be taken seriously for exporters, so that the products exported to the European Union are only products that meet the established quality standards. In addition, farmers as producers also need to ensure that their products can be accepted in the international market.